Hayden is definitely a morning person, which is the complete opposite of Chris and I! He is all smiles when he wakes up and instantly puts you in a good mood, even when it is 4 in the morning. I was really excited and thought we had reached a milestone on Friday night when Hayden slept 6 hours. That is until the next night when he decided to remind me that he is in control and woke up every 2 hours.
Chris has been working down in Ft. Greely these past few weeks. It is a bummer, and we miss him desperately (okay to be honest I miss being able to hand Hayden off to him and have a few minutes to myself). It has been a little frustrating at night because Hayden gets really cranky and then cries, which triggers Tucker to get all excited and drop all of his toys in my face. But we only have a few more weeks of it. I give single moms (especially Sally Brown, who's husband is currently Iraq and didn't really have a choice of being alone) all the credit in the world, I could not do it.

Well we decided we needed to get out of the house and go for a little roadtrip to visit Chris. I was a little nervous because Hayden hates his carseat and screams for the majority of the time he is in it. So my mom watched him for a little bit while I got everything ready to go and she kept him up all afternoon. He instantly fell asleep in his seat and slept the entire way down. Chris and I played with Hayden all night, he stayed awake for a good 3 hours, and then we hopped back in the car and made the hour and a half journey back home...tear free!
Well we decided we needed to get out of the house and go for a little roadtrip to visit Chris. I was a little nervous because Hayden hates his carseat and screams for the majority of the time he is in it. So my mom watched him for a little bit while I got everything ready to go and she kept him up all afternoon. He instantly fell asleep in his seat and slept the entire way down. Chris and I played with Hayden all night, he stayed awake for a good 3 hours, and then we hopped back in the car and made the hour and a half journey back home...tear free!
Chris gets to come home on the weekends, and this is what our bed looks like on Sunday mornings. Hayden likes to lay in his arms, which then means that Tucker has to lay in Chris's arms. As you can tell the dog and the kid are daddy's boys, and I am the picture taker and buffet!!