We are passing milestones as fast as Hayden is growing!! We had his 4 month appointment last week and he measured 25 and 1/2 inches and weighed 13 lbs 12 ounces. He is in the 25th percentile as far as weight but in the 75th percentile for height!
I had to do our monthly Tucker picture to show how big Hayden is getting. Tucker is being a really good pal to Hayden lately although he won't stop licking him. Hayden is really into touching everything (and tasting it), and so he likes to grab at Tucker, especially his lips. Tucker just sits there and takes it and his only defense seems to be to lick him because then Hayden closes his eyes and can't see him any longer to grab at him.

As you can see, Hayden is starting to master sitting up even better each week! Another milestone is that he has almost overcome his lactose intolerance. He only has to take his medicine once a day, yea! The pediatrician recommended to start rice cereal to give him a few more calories and to see if the myth of rice cereal at night will really help him sleep through the night. I say myth because that is totally not the case with this kid, he is still only sleeping 4 hours at a time. His newest sleeping habit is to get up with dad in the morning (at 5:45am) no matter what time he just went to sleep at, and then he wants to play. So instead of fighting him back to sleep (because he has horrible new tantrums that leave me with a wicked headache), we play for a while and then finally get to sleep again. I would always think that I wouldn't do this or that with my kid, but lately I have realized that sometimes you just have to do a few things to get by and some fights are just not worth fighting!!
As you can see, Hayden is starting to master sitting up even better each week! Another milestone is that he has almost overcome his lactose intolerance. He only has to take his medicine once a day, yea! The pediatrician recommended to start rice cereal to give him a few more calories and to see if the myth of rice cereal at night will really help him sleep through the night. I say myth because that is totally not the case with this kid, he is still only sleeping 4 hours at a time. His newest sleeping habit is to get up with dad in the morning (at 5:45am) no matter what time he just went to sleep at, and then he wants to play. So instead of fighting him back to sleep (because he has horrible new tantrums that leave me with a wicked headache), we play for a while and then finally get to sleep again. I would always think that I wouldn't do this or that with my kid, but lately I have realized that sometimes you just have to do a few things to get by and some fights are just not worth fighting!!