The Bunch family has had a lot of fun these past few weeks with holiday festivities. I didn't realize how many traditions and activities there are in December until we were able to share them all with Hayden.

At the beginning of the month Hayden turned 5 months old. I can't tell you how unbelievably fast time is passing and how my little boy is growing up in front of my eyes. I have been taking pictures of Hayden with Tucker every month so that you can see how big he is getting compared to his 80 lb best friend. This month's picture made me realize that we have gotten out of he infant stage and that Hayden is finally growing up (in all aspects, he is a totally different happy baby...yea!!!)
At the beginning of the month Hayden turned 5 months old. I can't tell you how unbelievably fast time is passing and how my little boy is growing up in front of my eyes. I have been taking pictures of Hayden with Tucker every month so that you can see how big he is getting compared to his 80 lb best friend. This month's picture made me realize that we have gotten out of he infant stage and that Hayden is finally growing up (in all aspects, he is a totally different happy baby...yea!!!)
Chris was excited that he can finally fit into his Carharts...what Alaskan kid doesn't have a set!!! Hayden loves to mock you, so we were sticking our tongues out at each other in this picture!
Chris took Hayden skating for the first time at the outdoor rink down the road from our house while it was really warm outside. Hayden had a blast skating around with his dad and I can foresee skating in his future!
My parents have always taken my sister and I Christmas tree shopping at the local Kiwanis club, and this year wasn't any different. I love stepping into the building and smelling the fresh pine, and then bringing home the tree and having it smell up the house. We all had fun picking out trees for our houses and my parents loved toting Hayden around to have him "pick out" their tree!

Hayden tried to help us decorate the tree when we brought it home. He had a lot more fun eating the ornaments and the tree rather than hanging them!
And the holiday festivities would not be complete without seeing Santa Claus! Chris had his union Christmas party (one that I went to from Hayden's age until I was 10), and luckily Hayden got to catch Santa! He did great sitting on his lap, and even smiled really big for his picture :)