My little monster is growing like a weed, at his 6 month appointment last week he was 26 and a half inches long and 15.6 ounces. He has officially gotten over his lactose intolerance, so we don't have to give him any more medicine, yea!
He is getting into to more and more things every day. It is a fun stage and he can play with his toys and entertain himself quite well. But you can't leave this mischievous little guy for one second (as you can tell he has officially figured out how to get out of his Bumbo chair!)

Hayden has figured out how to sit up all by himself and self correct when he grabs to get a toy. He has almost figured out crawling as well, but he still has a few things to fine tune before he gets it. It is way more work to crawl his way, he army crawls on his arms and drags his feet along on his toes, which causes some wicked rug burn on his knees.

Hayden has figured out how to sit up all by himself and self correct when he grabs to get a toy. He has almost figured out crawling as well, but he still has a few things to fine tune before he gets it. It is way more work to crawl his way, he army crawls on his arms and drags his feet along on his toes, which causes some wicked rug burn on his knees.

Ugh it has been a really long past week because he was cutting his first tooth. He was up every few hours and was just plain miserable (and so was mom for having to get up every few hours). But it finally cut through yesterday, so hopefully we will have a break before the next one decides to show up!
Last week we had one day of really nice weather, by really nice I mean 15 above zero! We took advantage of it and went sledding for the first time with the brand new shiny red sled that his grandpa got him for Christmas. He had a blast chasing the dogs and going fast...but the fun only lasted about 20 minutes and then both of us were cold and we had to go inside. The warm weather didn't last, long and we are back to the usual 20 below and colder. The cold weather never really effected our day to day lives before kids, but this past week it has been 40 below and I refuse to bundle him up and go anywhere. It is way to much of a pain, especially because he hates not being able to chew on his fingers so he cries when you put him in is snow suit.
Chris has been in Delta this week working (where by the way it is 60 below zero without the wind), but will come home for the weekend to give this mom a much needed break!!!