Sunday, May 2, 2010


The snow has melted in Fairbanks, and we are on our way to summer. It is great to be able to get outside and start all new activities with Hayden. It is a good thing because he is getting into everything right now and has figured out where and what he isn't supposed to be into to!
He loves to stand up and flick the toilet paper roll, as well as take is down and rip chunks of toilet paper off and then eat them!!

Tucker's toys are way more cooler than Hayden's and he enjoys taking all of the out of the basket every day. He then sticks his hand out to give Tucker the toy and when Tucker tries to take it, he pulls the toy back really quick and crawls away really fast! He also likes to climb in the basket and then play with the phone which is on the shelf above the toys. I swear you can by all the toys in the world, but the simplest cheapest things are way more fun for him!!

The minute the river opened up and we had a nice day, Chris had to test out the boat (when we picked it up last October we didn't have a chance to put it in the water...heck we didn't even get to start it). So, my dad met us down the boat launch and away we went. The boat is awesome and I can't wait for all of our adventures that we are going to have in it this summer. Hayden wasn't as thrilled as we were, he hated his life vest because he rubbed on his chin and because of the back floaty, he couldn't really move freely in it. He kept waving bye because he wanted to go bye-bye out of the boat....ahhhh!!! Hopefully he will get used to it.
As soon as the snow started melting I had to take Hayden out to see if he would play in the grass (I have heard that kids don't like the grass). So I stuck him out there and he did just fine because there were leaves on the ground for him to eat. We'll see how he likes it when it is green and squishy!

We traveled down to Anchorage for another hockey tournament, which they didn't play to well in. But, we had a blast hanging out with our good friend Danielle and Hayden had fun chasing around his new little friends, Gus and Pedro! He spent hours playing with them on the floor, and he would crawl up to them and open his mouth so they would kiss him (that's how Hayden kisses, full-on mouthing your face!!) It was gross but cute! We had a beautiful day on Saturday and Danielle got her Harley out to ride, Hayden was amazed at the big shiny object as well as her outfit!! Thank you Danielle for being a great host and for the fun weekend:)
It was a long week last week, Hayden is cutting two more teeth, so he almost has 6 now. The 4th top one is just about to cut through. He doesn't really eat, sleep or play that much when his teeth are cutting so he demands a lot of attention. Chris's work is gearing up so he has been working a lot of hours, which is great, but exhausting for me!! Oh well, it is short lived, and I am enjoying the neediness now because otherwise Hayden is very independent :)