We have had an awesome fun filled past few weeks! This post is purely about all of the birthdays that we have celebrated :)

It all started with my birthday, check out the amazing bouquet that my husband sent me for our anniversary/my birthday:) We are in the process of teaching Hayden how to smell the flowers, but he would still rather eat them. For my birthday my husband treated me to a whole nights rest...the first time in 11 months and 3 weeks (not that I am counting or anything). It was really nice, especially because Hayden's eczema has flared up since it has been hot outside and he was waking up every hour.

It all started with my birthday, check out the amazing bouquet that my husband sent me for our anniversary/my birthday:) We are in the process of teaching Hayden how to smell the flowers, but he would still rather eat them. For my birthday my husband treated me to a whole nights rest...the first time in 11 months and 3 weeks (not that I am counting or anything). It was really nice, especially because Hayden's eczema has flared up since it has been hot outside and he was waking up every hour.
The next evening we had a great time celebrating Skips birthday at the antique car museum. We had a blast checking out all of the amazing vehicles, some of them were one of a kind. We are lucky to have such awesome friends to share great memories with!

My dad celebrated his birthday the next week and got a special present from Hayden....he mastered walking that day! What more could a proud grandpa ask for:)

Last but not least we celebrated Hayden's big first birthday. We had an amazing day and he was spoiled rotten with lots of celebrations from all of the people that love him! On his birthday we went and fed the ducks with his friend Tripp, and then we played in the park. Hayden had the most fun crawling around in the pea gravel and getting dirty!

Last but not least we celebrated Hayden's big first birthday. We had an amazing day and he was spoiled rotten with lots of celebrations from all of the people that love him! On his birthday we went and fed the ducks with his friend Tripp, and then we played in the park. Hayden had the most fun crawling around in the pea gravel and getting dirty!

Then we met Chris at home where Hayden got to open his birthday present from us. It is a little electric 4 wheeler that goes about 2 miles an hour. We taped the button down so Hayden just went in circles in the yard for about an hour. We cannot get him off of the thing and now he just whines to go outside. He has figured out how to push the button but not how to hold it down, so he keeps himself entertained by pushing it then stopping and pushing it....all the while jerking himself down the road!!!

Next we headed over to the Bunch's where we took some beautiful family pictures with their amazing antique cars! Nickole, my sister-in-law made cake for everyone, including Hayden's very own little cake. He is a pretty picky eater and wasn't having any part of it but to stare at it! Then he was spoiled with lots of presents from his auntie and Mamie and Papie.

After that we went home and met my parents for another special treat for Hayden, a blackberry cupcake. He enjoyed eating just the blackberries that he selectively choose from the cupcake, who would have thought a kid would pick fruit over something sweet!

My sister made a special trip up from Seattle to help celebrate Hayden turning the big ONE, and we had a cookie monster party for him. He loves cookies because his grandpa gets him one every day that we go into work, and he is a monster so what a perfect theme:) Amy made an awesome cake with special treats on it for Hayden, that of course he picked off!! But he had to get through the frosting first so he ended up with blue frosting and fruit everywhere (with a little help from his auntie)!!!

I can't believe that time has flown by so fast and that our little man is already one. He has changed our lives so much and we couldn't imagine a life without him and hearing his cute little giggle and staring into his big blue eyes.