I have returned to the frigid north after an amazing vacation to Seattle and South Carolina. My sister and I had an amazing time in Seattle jammed packed with good food, festive activities, and of course shopping. A special thank you goes out to my sister for a great time:) The picture above was taken at Zoo lights at the Point Defiance Zoo; they decorated every square inch of the zoo in Christmas lights....words cannot describe how neat it was to see.

Next stop, South Carolina with hot weather and great deals!! Sally put up with all of my crazy questions and comments about the south as I drug her around to all of the shopping malls and restaurants in sight. As you can see I was enjoying the 74° weather as we walked around Charleston and checked out the amazing historic sights. I had to include a picture of Michael and Ellison because those two sweethearts stole my heart for the week. Michael is doing my favorite pose of laying on his side checking out the sights of the world around him! They were absolutely adorable. I am so glad that I was able to spend time with Sally's family, we rode horses with Thomas, stayed up all night yelling at Bob with Lee, and enjoyed Mr and Mrs. Davis's company. It was fun to experience the South and all the fun quirks that come along with it including Bojangles, the Piggy Wiggly, "Fast" food, "Fast" mailmen, El Cheapo, "roadkill" while driving, sweet tea, and of course Chick Fil-A. If you want more details on our adventures, you are going to have to ask Sally!!