Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bunch Time

Well we are past 40 weeks, and still hanging in there. Nobody thought I would make it this long, but this little monster is proving us all wrong. We have decided that it is on "Bunch Time," which if you know my husband, means that it will come out whenever it feels like it!!! I am feeling good pregnancy wise, I am just fighting a cold that is really dragging me down. But, we are trying to stay busy and have really enjoyed our time together this week. It has giving us just a little more time to get all of our little projects done and get even more prepared for our new bundle of joy!! We celebrated our 2nd anniversary last Tuesday, and as you can see from the picture below Chris surprised me with some beautiful flowers. The only downfall is that I know those lilies smell wonderful, but my nose is so stuffed that I can't enjoy them !!
I have been slacking and haven't posted the final pictures of the nursery, so here they are!!

Chris did an amazing job, and pretty much did it all himself so I have to give all the credit to him.

It turned out perfect, and I know that I will truly enjoy the countless hours spent in there with baby Bunch!!

I also celebrated my birthday on Sunday, which was my due date...but hey I didn't really want to share my birthday with the baby anyways!!! We had a wonderful day up the Salcha river with some really good family friends and my parents.

It was nice to get out of town and also enjoy the last bit of boating that I will be able to do for a while. But who knows, at the rate things are going, baby Bunch might give us another opportunity to go boating this weekend :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Although I am reminded constantly how blessed I am, this past week I realized how blessed and lucky I am to have such an amazing family. My parents and my husband worked really hard to get all of our house projects completed for our baby shower/bbq and for the upcoming arrival of baby Bunch. My parents were kind enough to host Chris and I an amazing shower. It was exactly what we wanted, a chance to celebrate our upcoming arrival together and most of all a chance to see all of our friends. I want to thank my parents for everything that they did for us and to thank my husband for not making a peep and completing every silly task I asked of him.
Starting Sunday my parents went to the flower store with us and helped pick out a huge variety of flowers for the front of our house. My mom and I were strategically picking out specific colors and quantities for certain parts of the flower box (yes we are a little ocd) and Chris and my picked out tons of really random flowers. My mom and I bit our tongue and went with the flow, and it turned out great...the random flowers added tons of color and spontaneity to everything!

I tried to help as much as I could, which wasn't much because it is difficult to bend over and plant flowers with a huge belly attached to you! So my parents spent hours planting all of our flowers for us.

Although Chris wouldn't admit it to anyone that asks, he really enjoys helping out with this kind of stuff and jumped right in. Even though we had a huge variety of flowers to work with, my mom and I had a plan for where everything was supposed to go and Chris and my dad were good sports about following our crazy rules!!!

Sunday set the stage for the rest of the week and I have to spend a moment bragging about my wonderful families accomplishments because I am so proud of their hard work: my dad and I built and painted a picnic table, my mom washed the inside and outside of all my windows, my dad and I mowed and fertilized our lawn, Chris set-up and took down hundreds of feet of sprinklers, 2 trees got planted, Chris dug out a walk-way and hand shoveled in 1 yard of rock into it, Chris built stairs for the back door, Chris finished putting up trim in the house and then cleaned the garage after he was done, my dad vacuumed and steam cleaned all of the carpets while my mom and I mopped the rest of them, my mom folded all of laundry, Chris and my dad helped Chris's little brother stack 3 cords of wood, and did I mention all of the scrumptious food that my parents spent 2 days cooking. Yikes, I could go on and on, but I think you get the point, and no they aren't for hire!!!

Baby Bunch is also blessed because a lot of people came over and gave us some very nice generous gifts, and we are all set for him/her to greet the world! By the way we are getting very anxious to find out what the sex is, hopefully that will help me get through the labor :) The time is coming soon, only a few more weeks. We are doing great and both of us are healthy so keep your fingers crossed it stays that way for just a little bit longer!