Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bunch Time

Well we are past 40 weeks, and still hanging in there. Nobody thought I would make it this long, but this little monster is proving us all wrong. We have decided that it is on "Bunch Time," which if you know my husband, means that it will come out whenever it feels like it!!! I am feeling good pregnancy wise, I am just fighting a cold that is really dragging me down. But, we are trying to stay busy and have really enjoyed our time together this week. It has giving us just a little more time to get all of our little projects done and get even more prepared for our new bundle of joy!! We celebrated our 2nd anniversary last Tuesday, and as you can see from the picture below Chris surprised me with some beautiful flowers. The only downfall is that I know those lilies smell wonderful, but my nose is so stuffed that I can't enjoy them !!
I have been slacking and haven't posted the final pictures of the nursery, so here they are!!

Chris did an amazing job, and pretty much did it all himself so I have to give all the credit to him.

It turned out perfect, and I know that I will truly enjoy the countless hours spent in there with baby Bunch!!

I also celebrated my birthday on Sunday, which was my due date...but hey I didn't really want to share my birthday with the baby anyways!!! We had a wonderful day up the Salcha river with some really good family friends and my parents.

It was nice to get out of town and also enjoy the last bit of boating that I will be able to do for a while. But who knows, at the rate things are going, baby Bunch might give us another opportunity to go boating this weekend :)


Sally Brown said...

Wow, the room looks great! Y'all did an amazing job and soon it will be in use! I hope you are feeling better.

The Tylers said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited...I wasn't even mad when Sally woke me up to tell me! I can't wait to see pictures.

Joel and Katy said...

Now I know that I took forever to post anything after Mia was born, but I'm a hypocrite and want to see photos NOW!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!!!Hope all three Bunch's are happy, healthy, and healing up quickly :) Love you!!!