Thursday, February 25, 2010

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much

Chris and I celebrated our fake anniversary last week, we have officially been together for 10 years. We were friends for a few years before we started dating and have grown into best friends today. I was going to scan some old pictures of the two of us but my printer decided to malfunction, so just imagine the both of us about about 30 pounds lighter! It has been an amazing 10 years and we have grown incredibly close and have been able to share so many milestones in life. I couldn't imagine a better life partner and look forward to the next memories we have in life together.
This week we are celebrating Chris's birthday. Lucky for him, he gets to celebrate it in Whitehorse, Canada playing hockey with his friends! So Hayden squeezed in his dad time before Chris left...Hayden is getting pretty good at "brushing" his teeth!!! The tournament they are playing in has a cash prize so hopefully they won't have too much fun on Friday!!!

We have had some wonderful weather lately and are taking full advantage of it. My sister got us this amazing light backpack for Christmas and it has made taking the dog for a walk in the snow quite easy!!

Hayden has become quite the monkey lately, and can pull himself up onto just about anything. He is still figuring out the consequences of letting go of whatever he is standing up against and what he can't stand up on (like the dog that moves once he stands up or the rocker chair that rocks out from underneath him!!!).
Although Hayden has been fighting a cold these past few weeks, he still managed to squeak a few smiles out for me :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hayden is officially 7 months old today! It was a pretty uneventful January for us, it seemed like a dark and cold month. The darkness was really noticeable this year because I was at home to watch the sun rise and set whereas you would normally leave for work in the morning and it would be dark and then come home from work and it would be dark.
But we now get over 7 hours of sunlight! The picture above is my favorite Hayden pose...when he is playing and you call his name, he throws his hand on his hip and looks up at you with a big smile!!

He absolutely loves to bother Tucker, and he is constantly climbing on him. I am so glad we have such a patient lab, he is a great dog and I love the fact that he keeps Hayden entertained.

The picture above shows Hayden two bottom teeth that have finally cut through. Two down and twenty something more to, I really hope that the first ones are the toughest because it was not very fun!!!

Chris and I both have huge hockey families, so it would be fit for Hayden to have a hockey set already!! He loves to eat the ball and bang his stick, a great start to a long career in hockey (well that is if he wants to play!!).
We are enjoying the warmer weather and can't wait to start the snowmachining season. Chris is working in Ft. Greely every few days still, but I am so very thankful that he isn't in Prudhoe right now and we are having such a fun time being parents :)