Hayden has been such a happy baby lately, life is great! He can crawl around and get into just about anything you can think of....not to mention the fact that it entertains him and us!! His mannerisms crack Chris and I up, he has a bunch of big old smiles that will make all your troubles go away!

We managed to take my parents and Hayden to the Ice Park when it was 30 above and were able to walk through the whole thing. Of course my parents couldn't help but stop at every slide and take Hayden down each one of them!

The first week of April we made a trip down to Anchorage so that I could attend some training. Because I had to be there a few nights, Chris came along to entertain Hayden. I swear he drugged the kid because he slept 3 hours the first day and almost 5 hours the second day. I only wish that I could get him to sleep that much for me (I get 2 one hour naps a day). Come to find out later, he held him the whole time!
Chris took Hayden swimming for the first time in the hotel pool. He did great, just as long as you didn't get his head wet! It was like pulling teeth to get the two of them out of the water. As soon as my butt can fit in a bathing suit I will start taking him to swim lessons.

We got back to town (that is on a plane, we were not about to travel 6 hours with a child that cries after he is in his carseat for 20 minutes....still!) the night before Easter. We dyed Easter eggs with Hayden, which is pretty hard with a 9 month, and it turned into him crushing the eggs and trying to eat them, but hey it was still fun!
We got back to town (that is on a plane, we were not about to travel 6 hours with a child that cries after he is in his carseat for 20 minutes....still!) the night before Easter. We dyed Easter eggs with Hayden, which is pretty hard with a 9 month, and it turned into him crushing the eggs and trying to eat them, but hey it was still fun!

The next morning the Easter bunny brought him a basket full of goodies, that is Easter eggs full of puffs, yogurt melts, crackers, and fruit! What a thoughtful bunny! Grandparents are the ones that get to give him all of the chocolate, and then give him back dirty and hyper, which is exactly what happened!

We had a fun day of church with my parents, brunch with Chris's family, a nice 3 mile walk with our family, and then dinner at my parents with Skip. I must add that we had a perfect dinner at my parents and not a single food item was over/under cooked :) Hayden was our entertainment for the evening....he loves bread and so he had a piece of roll in each hand but wanted to eat some orange, so he would take a bite of his roll and then lean over his highchair and try to eat a piece of his orange with his mouth (of course not letting a single breadcrumb drop to the ground).

Chris has been playing a lot of hockey lately, my dad and him had a tournament this past weekend, he has an alumni tournament this weekend, and he is gearing up for another tournament in Anchorage next weekend. Hayden is great at every game and enjoys watching all of the action, so it looks like we are making another trip down to Anchorage soon, which is fine with me I love getting out of town and shopping!!
1 comment:
Holy Moly he is SO cute. I love these pictures. He's such a good mix of you and Chris together. Awww...! Mia does the same thing with food, fists full and face plants to get more somehow. It's awesome that you guys are getting out and about and doing all sorts of things with him. He's a lucky kid to be in such a fun family with great traditions and so much love!! Love and miss you guys :)
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