Sunday, June 27, 2010

Blue Eyed Monster!

The one thing I have loved about having our own home is the opportunity to plant flowers all around it! There is something about the smell and beauty of them that adds to our joy for Fairbanks summers! It has been a bit of a challenge to keep Mr. Hayden out of the flower box, because he too loves the pretty colorful flowers! He has unplanted a few as well as eat or pull off the flowers of a few others. Not to mention the fact that he loves to play in the dirt as well as eat a few bites!!

Over the past month we have had a lot to celebrate, and there is more to come! Tucker turned 2 at the beginning of the month. Hayden is getting really good at standing and loves follow him around crawling and then stand next to him or hang on him!!
Hayden is still getting into everything and has mastered his new skill of being a monkey!
I am lucky to have a few friends that have kids around Hayden's age and that are stay at home moms as well. We get together every week and the kids play and afterwards we go for a walk. Last week the kids enjoyed the nice weather and played in the pool. I wish we had more than 3 months of summer.
Chris and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. It was really nice to sneak away for a few hours and have some time to ourselves. We had a very nice dinner while my parents spoiled Hayden rotten, as usual! I am very blessed to have such an amazing husband, and it melts my heart when he is with Hayden, and my love for him grows even more. It just keeps getting better and better :)
We did the Midnight Sun Run for the first time this year, and it was a blast. I was very happy that Chris was kind enough to suck it up and join me...he wasn't too thrilled about it, but I think he had a good time! The run was on Solstice weekend and it started at 10:00pm. Of course my child doesn't fall asleep in moving things, so he was awake for the entire 6 miles that we walked. There were 4,000 people that participated and some of them were dressed up in costumes, so he had a good time people watching!! After we got to the car, and got home (once again, he won't sleep in moving things like a normal child), it was almost 2 in the morning when Hayden finally went to sleep....long night but lots of fun!

On the few days that it has been nice, we have tried to go to Chena Lakes so that the boys can play in the water and sand. One afternoon Chris was able to come with us and through Tucker's toy in the water for about an hour!
Hayden was busy crawling through the freezing cold water and playing in the mud. He was covered in sand from head to toe, and so was everything else that he decided to play with (including my diaper bag!!). He is very fearless and kept going out further and further in the water, until his whole chest was underneath it, that was enough for paranoid me! I do not know how we used to swim in there as kids, the water was seriously about 55 degrees!
I couldn't have a post without a picture of Hayden playing in the toilet! The other day at work he found a duster and decided that he needed to clean the toilet with it. He would stick it in the toilet and move it around and then pull it out of the toilet onto the floor. I swear the whole bathroom floor was covered in water, as well as Hayden! It was hilarous, it looked like he was plunging the toilet, his plumber dad and grandpa were so proud!!!


Joel and Katy said...

Oh my goodness I love when you update your blog!!! It's so fun to get to see what you guys are up to. Hayden is SO precious... and sounds like he's mischevious just like my monkey.

Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday Tucker, Happy Birthday Hayden, and Happy Birthday Megan!!!! You guys really do have a lot going on during this time of year :) Isn't it weird that it was EIGHT years ago this week that you and I boarded planes for Australia!!!???!!!

Love you guys, and post more often... I get withdrawls...


Michel said...

What joy it is for me to see how happy and content your little family is.... Hayden is sooooo cute, I can't wait to meet him. It seems like just the other day you and Mo were little girls, secretly shaving your legs in the jacuzzi! Love you!