I have quickly realized that in Alaska we utilize our summer time to the fullest! We only get a few months of nice weather and long days of sunlight and so we try and jam pack everything possible into our days! We have been staying busy and are enjoying every bit of it. We had a wonderful visit with my sister and her dog Hank. Hayden got sick at the end of her visit, but still managed to squeak out a few smiles with his superman buddy! My sister was very kind and volunteered to take Hayden for his first sleep over. He did good with them and only woke up a few times and Chris and I enjoyed a really nice and well needed full night of sleep. I can't tell you enough how awesome it was to finally get some good sleep....thank you sister for everything we love you:)

On the fourth of July weekend we went up to the cabin with Chris's family and some friends of ours and had a great time attempting to fish as well as many four wheel rides and a lot of relaxation! I say attempt to fish because we only caught a few little grayling. Oh well, Hayden had a blast shaking the pole and reeling in the line with his pappy!
He has finally gotten used to his life jacket and does a great job on boat rides....well that is as long as he has a lolly pop! Here he is enjoying a nice ride on the Salcha river with his Uncle Tyler.
Before his birthday, Hayden got his first haircut. He did amazing and sat still the whole time on daddy's lap! He was enthralled with the lady and the scissors and all the people at the barber shop.
As you can tell, he really needed his hair cut, it was getting really long!
We went to Pioneer Park with my mom last weekend and enjoyed 80 degree weather and playing in the sun. Hayden played in the sand at the volleyball court and enjoyed a carousel ride and running around in the grass. He has almost master running, that is when he is trying to get away from you!!
I am very nervous about winter coming because Hayden loves being outside. He gets your shoes and brings them to you or attempts to put them on and then stands by our front door. He often bangs on it and whines to go outside. The other day he managed to put his dads shoes on, but then couldn't figure out how to get them off and didn't really like being stuck with them on!

A great thing about this time of year is that the strawberries are in season. My parents have a huge strawberry garden and the boys spent an afternoon picking all of the big yummy fresh strawberries. Well, Hayden enjoyed eating all of the strawberries that my dad and Chris picked:)
We had another amazing session with Chelsey Mach and she did such a wonderful job taking Hayden's one year photos. Please check them out on her blog at: http://machcphotography.com/2010/07/fun-at-one-fairbanks-child-photographer/. If this link doesn't work then you find his pictures on her July 26th post "Fun at One".
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