It is finally warming up in Fairbanks and we are enjoying the longer days and sunny weather. We went on our annual walk through the Ice Park with my parents and Hayden enjoyed all of the fun activities in the kids park. Hayden is an adrenaline junky so he enjoyed spinning in the ice ball over and over again really fast. Chris thought it was funny to then let him try and walk around!!
Chris enjoyed the slides as well!
Hayden has been enjoying going on daily snowmachine rides with Chris and I. He loves going on his kitty kat snowmachine and tries really hard to push the throttle...he needs a little more weight on him!!
We played outside with Hayden's cousins and loved to go on Madison and Macy's snowmachine. He would go for a ride until someone got tired of going in circles and then would go up to someone else and ask them to take him! Madison and Uncle Lance were really good sports and took him riding all night long!

A long day of playing outside calls for snuggling up with daddy and passing out :)
Megan, found your blog randomly after looking thru photos on MacC, looks like things are going well for you family. Here is the blog my wife keeps (so you can see my kids)
-Mike Shefchik
Hi, a friend let me know that my blog website is on the internet. Although my husband (Mike above) knows that we do not want our family blog and photos to be web-searchable, he forgot that posting the URL on a blog that is web-searchable (yours) makes ours available to anyone also. Therefore, please delete his comment (or at lest the portion with the blog site) and this one also. I could not find a way to contact you by email. I will check back in a week and make sure you have done it. Thanks.
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