Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Another holiday has come and gone and we are so lucky to be able to spend them with Hayden and our families :)

Easter was so much fun this year, Hayden understood what was going on and really enjoyed all of the goodies the Easter bunny left!

He didn't care what was in the eggs, he just had fun finding all of them! Once he found all of his eggs and placed them all in his basket, he kept saying "more". So we had a fun filled day of hiding and finding eggs!

While Chris and I enjoyed a wonderful date night on Easter eve, Hayden was lucky enough to dye Easter eggs with grandma and grandpa.

There were only a few causalities and Hayden was very proud of his beautiful creations.

My dad even patiently added stickers to each and every egg with Hayden!

We had a fun morning at Easter service at our church and Hayden did great at entertaining himself.....including chewing on the pew, drawing, listening to the choir and bells, and "reading" the bible! We then enjoyed yet another wonderful dinner at my parents with the company of our friend Skip!

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