Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Snowmachining in Cantwell

After weeks of begging, Chris finally caved in and took me on one of his snowmachine trips to Cantwell. As you can see, I can't even fit into Chris's XL belly is getting so big that I couldn't even zip them up!!

Chris loves to snowmachine in Cantwell, although it is about a 2 and a half to 3 hour drive out of town. It is a long trip to take every weekend just to ride for about 4 to 5 hours, but it truly is a little slice of heaven.

I tried to keep up with the boys (in hopes that I am not dragging them down and get to go with them again!!), and rode everywhere they went and then sat at the bottom of the hills and took pictures of them jumping cliffs! Chris is an amazing rider and it is fun to watch him carve through 5 feet of snow and jump his 460lb sled in the air.

He loves to carve through the trees, but this weekend it was a little difficult because there was a ton of fresh snow to maneuver around...and sometimes the trees got in his way!

I can't tell if the baby enjoyed the ride or was annoyed by it because it kicked all day long! Chris thinks that it was just telling me to go faster! Snowmachining in the mountains is a lot of work to begin with, add a few (I am being modest) pounds and you get a heck of a work out. My ab muscles were sore on Monday, but I had a wonderful time and was glad to be able to enjoy Chris's passion with him at 7 months pregnant :)


Sally Brown said...

Dang girl! I can't believe you went with him...a: because you are 7 months pregnant and b: I can't believe he let you go!!! I'm glad y'all had a great time together!

Joel and Katy said...

Awww! That is so awesome. You really REALLY made me miss Alaska just then. I don't usually have that feeling, but seeing all that snow and remembering the absolutely free feeling of being in the mountains did it for me! I know Joel really wants to come up and ride sometime, so maybe in a year or two when our little ones are, well, first of all, born, and second of all, old enough to hang out with grandma/aunt Joanie, we'll come up and all go together!!! Miss you tons, and I'm working on my email to you... :)

Morgan said...

hey megs! I'm excited to see you have a blog! I'm going to go see mom this weekend and go watch hockey and then see chicago. Sure wish you could come! You look so happy right now. Congrats to you!