Tuesday, May 12, 2009

On The Road Again

Chris and I headed out of town again last weekend and took a road trip down to Valdez. We left late Thursday night after child birthing classes and Chris booked it down there in 5 hours. The road isn't the best and so between going 800 miles an hour (I might be exaggerating a little bit) and the windy bumpy road, I was feeling a little queasy. We made it down there all in one piece and met my dad, Aunt and Uncle as well as one of my cousins. My Aunt and Uncle were kind enough to invite us down to go shrimping in with their boat, just in time for me to actually enjoy myself (I am getting bigger by the minute).
As you can see we were quite successful in getting some huge shrimp. Yes I am a weeny and had to wear gloves because the little creatures scared me a bit, and yes the shrimp laid down comfortably on my belly!

I did not take part in the processing part because frankly I am a bleeding heart and felt bad for the shrimp. So my dad and Uncle ripped the heads off the shrimp while my Aunt and cousin deshelled them. Chris and I do not eat seafood but we tried the fresh shrimp and actually enjoyed them, they weren't fishy tasting nor did they have a rubbery texture.
In between shrimping we toured Valdez and got to see some amazing sights and wildlife. I saw more Alaskan wildlife on this trip than I ever have. On our way down we saw some caribou hanging out on the side of the road, some porcupine, and a ton of rabbits.

While driving around in the boat we saw sea lions, sea otters, whales, dolphins, bald eagles, and even a black bear.

It has been warm and a big section of a glacier had broken off, so we ran into a bunch of ice coming out of the Narrows. The colors and mass of the chunks of glacier was breathtaking.

Like I mentioned to you before I am growing by the minute. My belly is getting HUGE, and I still have a month and a half left...yikes! But baby Bunch and I are still doing great, we are staying as active and busy as possible, although at times that can be challenging :)


Sally Brown said...

Thanks for the update. Those shrimp are crazy! Our trip to Valdez with the Tylers was probably our best trip! I'm glad I wasn't there or I would have gotten a lot of grief from your dad...I'm not sure I could even hold it with gloves! :) You look great. It makes me smile thinking back on you having to put the fake belly on to try on clothes. I hope you enjoy your last month carrying baby bunch!

Joel and Katy said...

Girl you look awesome! Good job staying active and getting out doing stuff. I'm so jealous you got to go out in Valdez. I miss Valdez already!!! Maybe we'll have to bring Mia up to show her everything one day... My mouth definitely waters thinking about fresh shrimp, especially that BIG!!! Yum...

Brooke and David said...

Being pregnant sure doesn't slow you down! Good for you! You look great!

Anonymous said...

You look great. Just wish you were closer so we can carry on about the baby each and every day!! love, Trisha(Sally's mom)

The Tylers said...

Oh man! I LOVE the belly picture...you are certainly ALL baby & you look fabulous! Wish you lived closer so we could be more a part of this. You are too cute!