Friday, September 18, 2009

Fall Fun!

We finally had Hayden's 2 month appointment today (only a few weeks late!), and he weighed in at 12lbs 2oz (50th percentile) and 24in long (75th percentile). The doctor said he was happy and healthy and was quite a flirt. He kept smiling and cooing at her, I'm glad that someone likes going to the doctors! And of course we couldn't go to the doctor without finding something wrong, it just wouldn't be Hayden's style!! He has eczema, so we have to bath him with special soap and use special lotion, geez. I think I have mentioned before that he screams bloody murder whenever you put him in the car seat as well as at night for a few hours and the doctor just thinks he is a little colicky and gassy from his medicine...and it will get better before he turns 1. Ugh, I think I will be admitted to the loony bin if I have 10 more months of screaming car rides. I have to throw in the picture below, it is classic Hayden giving me attitude!

Chris and I went to the cabin last weekend and had an amazing time. It was so nice to get out of town and it was a beautiful weekend. Hayden did wonderful and had a great time. The boat was a mini heaven for him, it had lots of shadows, made a loud noise, and vibrated (if only life was that simple for us!) I was trying to take a picture of him and Chris driving the boat, and Chris kept talking to him and trying to get his attention, and as you can tell he was amazed by his dad.

We took him on lots of 4 wheeler rides down on the river banks so that Tucker could go swimming. Tucker had a blast chasing sticks for two days straight, and got quite a workout. By the way I love Alaska falls and the beautiful colors, I just wished they lasted longer.

Chris finally wore the baby Bjorn (which he claimed he would never wear in public), but he said it was okay because they were 4 wheeling! Boys and their egos :) As you can tell it was a good opportunity for Hayden to nap!
Despite all of our bumps in the road, there is nothing like the love and happiness a child brings to your life. I could be having the worst day in the world and when Hayden looks up at me and smiles, I seem to forget everything and remember what's important in life.


Chelsey said...

Awww, I love your five! And, I know this won't be hard to guess ... but guess who else had eczema?! Hmmm... maybe it's just first borns that are boys that cause this kind of angst ;) He's beautiful, Megan! Such a great addition to your life!

Joel and Katy said...

It seems funny to hear you talk about fall when it's still warm and everything is green down here. I do miss Alaska fall's, they're amazing. There's something exciting and fresh in the air :) I LOVE your photos, and that one of Tucker along the river bank is very picturesque (however you spell that). I can't believe Hayden and Mia are exactly the same weight. Mia is one inch longer, but TWO months older!!!! He's a big, handsome, adorable boy. You guys make SUCH a postcard family. I miss you guys... tell Chris HI from Joel and I!!! Love you.

Sally Brown said...

Man, he has beautiful eyes! I love seeing all of the pictures. You look great! It really made me miss Alaska. Give me a call sometime.

Charles Davis said...

Great pictures of you, Chris, and Hayden. Only got to actually know you for a short while during your visit to Charleston, but it's always nice to know that there are folks that love and pray for you that don't have to. Got a lot of folks in Carolina that do just that - Sally's Dad