This is Hayden at 8 weeks, he has almost mastered holding his head up. We have actually reached a few milestones that have made life a lot easier! He sleeps over 5 hours a night, hey I will take what I get and it is a heck of a lot better than every 3 hours. He was sick last week and was waking up every 2 hours with a stuffy nose and let me tell you....I was exhausted. I bought white noise Cd's and put them on during the day when he is napping and he will sleep for hours in his crib. This is a huge step for Hayden because he would normally wake right up the minute you put him in his crib and not go back down.

We are enjoying are days at home and I feel very fortunate that I am able to spend all day with him. Although I still work, just from home whenever he naps, we still get to play and enjoy this peaceful stage of life.

Hayden is getting big really fast, I will be interested to see how much he has grown; we have his 2 month appointment next Friday (although he will be over 10 weeks). He has already grown out of his 3 month clothes so we have had to move onto 3-6 month outfits. He fits them length wise but is skinny and can't quite fill them out!

It is fall time in Fairbanks and the leaves are changing already. We have had a few freezes already but lately the weather has decided to cooperate and stay in the 60's. I am trying to sneak in as many walks as I can with my boys before it starts to get cold. We have to keep our first baby happy as well has Hayden! Tucker's new thing is to act like a jealous big brother and instead of getting in your face when you play with Hayden he likes to put the attention on Hayden so that you'll play with him as well!!
It's hunting season in Alaska, although the warm weather makes it difficult because the moose don't get around much when it's hot out. Chris went hunting during the Labor day weekend, but didn't bring back anything...thank goodness because I am not a fan of moose meat. I think that we are going to take advantage of the nice weather and let Hayden experience the river and cabin this upcoming weekend.
Awww... he's so stinkin' cute!!! Mia is the same way in clothes, too long, and too skinny. BUT... she's 16 or 17 weeks (crap, can't remember)and is just now fitting in the 3 months clothes. She's still in a lot of 0-3 month stuff. Mr. Hayden is so precious and I LOVE that picture of you and him. I want more pictures of you and Chris!!!!! I'm glad you finally updated, I was starting to worry... I'll update mine soon, promise...
I am so glad you posted because I have been wondering how you guys have been doing. Your little man is PRECIOUS & you look fabulous! Glad to hear he is giving you a little rest!
What a cutie pie! I too, have the same problem as Hayden... I'm too long and skinny to fit into any of my clothes!!! hehe... All is well in your nation's capital, though you wouldn't know it by my blog! Just got back from high school reunion with mr skip! He's as bald as Hayden, though thankfully not pooping in his pants, yet! Miss you and can't wait to see your mom!
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