Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkin Fun

Although we knew it was coming, we are never really prepared for it....snow! It finally started snowing this week, and hasn't really stopped. It seems like it snows later and later each year. But for as long as I remember there is always snow on the ground on Halloween! It is still pretty warm outside so the snow is sticky and the roads are really icy. Which leads to the inevitable, really bad drivers. It happens every single year, people seem to forget how to drive on icy roads. That doesn't really work well with me because I am always running late, and with people driving 30mph on the highway I am now even more late!

My dad came over and we did our traditional pumpkin carving with Hayden (he is like Chris and hates getting his picture taken, so you get side shots of them both, two peas in a pod!) Chris is glad that we finally have the excuse of a kid because I used to make him do all of the holiday traditions. It was a lot of fun this year, Hayden was amazed at grandpa and what he was doing to that yummy looking orange thing (my dad gave him the top of the pumpkin and of course he tried to eat it!)

He helped his dad carve his pumpkin which was a little monster, i.e. Hayden!

It was a really fun evening and all of the pumpkins turned out great. Hopefully they will lure in the kids that are brave enough to go trick or treating, it is supposed to be -4 degrees out that night.

We are all getting ready for a big adventure this weekend. It is going to be a jam packed weekend of visiting with Auntie Amy and picking up Chris's new boat. I will fill you in once we get back, for now it is off to bed because we have to catch a plane in a few hours.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mommy's Little Monster

It is amazing how much changes in just a few weeks, actually in just a few days. Hayden is almost to the point of sitting up on his own, although he thinks it is funner to lean forward and eat his feet!!

I think we had our last bit of fall this past weekend. We finished up our outside projects, including putting a wire fence in the ground for Tucker. He has been feeling left out lately and has decided to try and find other people to pay attention to him! So hopefully this will give him a little reminder of where his home his!!

We took Hayden to his first Nanook hockey game and he did amazing. He sat through both games and stared at all of the action. He enjoyed sitting on our good friend Skip's lap the first night and the next night he sat on Grandpa's lap! I had to quickly sneak a picture of the boys as we were walking out the door (because I am a lame mom and someone might have seen us!!!) Going to the game threw him off schedule because the game didn't get over until past 9 o'clock, it made him overly tired and he actually slept 8 hours that night....don't get too excited because the next night he was back to 4 to 5 hours of sleep!
Hayden actually enjoys tummy time now and has mastered head control finally. It is kind of weird to be able to hold him in one arm and multi-task without worry about his bobble head!! He loves to sit up and check out the world, but mostly he stares at his crazy puppy that likes to drop toys on his head.

We had a cardiologist appointment today to check on his heart murmur and it is still there, but the doctor said that he looked healthy and it wasn't affecting him. We have an appointment in 6 months to see if his duct has closed and if it hasn't then he will have to have a non-invasive surgery to block it. We were able to see how much he has grown in 5 weeks and he is now 25" long and 12.12 ounces.

Chris and I are doing well, Chris's jobs are wrapping up and things are slowing down for him. Soon he will be working 40 hours and week and will be able to enjoy playing with Hayden a lot more and his favorite season! I foresee a lot of trips up to the cabin snowmachining with Hayden bundled up with us!!

Chris bought Hayden a remote control snowmachine that looks identical to Chris's actual snowmachine. I have to point out the shirt he has on, it is Chris's favorite "Alaska Boys Got The Berries!" Sorry about the cleavage, I can't keep the girls under control :) Hayden loves to watch it zoom around the living room and when he can finally get his hands on it, he of course tries to eat it. He loves to put everything in his mouth, especially the ball below.
We hope everyone enjoys fall and the last bit of warm weather...soon we will have to bundle up!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Oh Happy Days!

It seems like every day Hayden grows up just a little bit more...time is flying by so fast. With time Hayden is slowly growing out of his colic and is crying less and less. He is becoming quite a happy baby, which makes for a happy momma!
The picture above is Hayden at 12 weeks, he loves to sit in his Bumbo chair when I am cooking in the kitchen and keeps me company.

We finally have a schedule down put so there is a little less chaos in our lives! Hayden loves to takes baths at night as part of our bedtime routine...which in turn leads to less crying in the evenings (we still have about an hour of fussiness, but I am not complaining).

As you can tell Tucker was really enjoying me torturing him with picture time!
This is my favorite face ever, it is Hayden giving me a giant shit eating grin! I need those big grins lately because it has been a busy couple of weeks. I have had to train a lady at work for about 6 hours a day. Because Hayden is on a schedule, it hasn't been too hard because he takes a solid 2 hour nap in the afternoon. It has been hard for me to train because a) I don't like to give up control of things, b) not everyone is a perfectionist like me so they don't do everything as perfectly as I want them too, c) I want to give Hayden as much of my attention as I can so I only want to give directions once, and d) if I am training then I can't get my work done which means I have to work twice as hard. But it is a good reminder that I am very fortunate that I don't have to go back to work full time and I need to work smarter not harder! Chris has been home these past few weeks and has had a good glimpse into what my life has been like for the past few months. He would never admit to how much work it is to take care of a "fussy" baby, but he gets exhausted after a few hours with Hayden; I can't help but laugh and think geez try all day and night, I don't think we get enough credit for what we do as moms!