It is amazing how much changes in just a few weeks, actually in just a few days. Hayden is almost to the point of sitting up on his own, although he thinks it is funner to lean forward and eat his feet!!
I think we had our last bit of fall this past weekend. We finished up our outside projects, including putting a wire fence in the ground for Tucker. He has been feeling left out lately and has decided to try and find other people to pay attention to him! So hopefully this will give him a little reminder of where his home his!!
We took Hayden to his first Nanook hockey game and he did amazing. He sat through both games and stared at all of the action. He enjoyed sitting on our good friend Skip's lap the first night and the next night he sat on Grandpa's lap! I had to quickly sneak a picture of the boys as we were walking out the door (because I am a lame mom and someone might have seen us!!!) Going to the game threw him off schedule because the game didn't get over until past 9 o'clock, it made him overly tired and he actually slept 8 hours that night....don't get too excited because the next night he was back to 4 to 5 hours of sleep!
Hayden actually enjoys tummy time now and has mastered head control finally. It is kind of weird to be able to hold him in one arm and multi-task without worry about his bobble head!! He loves to sit up and check out the world, but mostly he stares at his crazy puppy that likes to drop toys on his head.

We had a cardiologist appointment today to check on his heart murmur and it is still there, but the doctor said that he looked healthy and it wasn't affecting him. We have an appointment in 6 months to see if his duct has closed and if it hasn't then he will have to have a non-invasive surgery to block it. We were able to see how much he has grown in 5 weeks and he is now 25" long and 12.12 ounces.
We had a cardiologist appointment today to check on his heart murmur and it is still there, but the doctor said that he looked healthy and it wasn't affecting him. We have an appointment in 6 months to see if his duct has closed and if it hasn't then he will have to have a non-invasive surgery to block it. We were able to see how much he has grown in 5 weeks and he is now 25" long and 12.12 ounces.
Chris and I are doing well, Chris's jobs are wrapping up and things are slowing down for him. Soon he will be working 40 hours and week and will be able to enjoy playing with Hayden a lot more and his favorite season! I foresee a lot of trips up to the cabin snowmachining with Hayden bundled up with us!!
Chris bought Hayden a remote control snowmachine that looks identical to Chris's actual snowmachine. I have to point out the shirt he has on, it is Chris's favorite "Alaska Boys Got The Berries!" Sorry about the cleavage, I can't keep the girls under control :) Hayden loves to watch it zoom around the living room and when he can finally get his hands on it, he of course tries to eat it. He loves to put everything in his mouth, especially the ball below.
We hope everyone enjoys fall and the last bit of warm weather...soon we will have to bundle up!
It's funny that your fall is almost over and ours just started!
Your little guy is getting so big. I love the baby snowmachine! I'm sure he'll be riding with daddy a lot this winter
Megs! He is getting so big! Dad say's you have a little figure skater on your hands! ;) Said Hayden was amazing during the game. Thank you very much... That was the first time dad ever hinted at a grandkid. Hope you guys are doing good. Hugs to all!
These are SUCH adorable photos. He seems SO grown up and so much older than he is. I was counting the other day and WOW, he's still so young and yet holding his head up, pretty much sittin up, etc. Way to go mr. hayden! I'm so glad the fussiness is chilling out. I can't imagine. I miss you girl!!!
He is such a handsome little fella! Glad to hear he is attempting 8 will come soon enough! And for the girls, well...I have just accepted that they are now just a part of the new post baby me. Sally was telling me the other day how much she misses you & how she would love to move back to Alaska. Give Tucker a lick from Sadie!
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