Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Job

It has been brought to our attention that Chris has all of the necessary attributes for a new job. Check it out for yourself:

Spencer Pratt from the TV series "The Hills"

Okay, so I know that Tucker isn't as cute as the girl, but you get my point! Chris and I don't watch the TV series, but when I saw the picture of Spencer in People magazine, I started to see dollar signs!! I think there is a striking resemblance, minus the blonde.

As you can tell from my earlier blogs, all that people in Fairbanks talk about is the weather. If you live here or have been here you would know what I am talking about (because there is nothing else to talk about!!). I previously posted that it was about 40° to 50° below zero. Well last week we had a dramatic 100° temperature change, and it got up to 52 above zero. But don't worry, that only lasted for a few days and we are expecting -40° by Friday. So, it is off to split more wood and wait by the phone for Hollywood to call :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I had a little epiphany last night and came to realize a few things. Here are a few of my thoughts:
1.) Although Tucker is a sweetheart, he is not a cute little puppy any more. He was 8 weeks old when I took the first picture, and he barley fit in the corner of his bed. I took the second picture the other day, when Tucker turned 8 months old. Although he is still cute, he is far from little weighing in at about 70 pounds.

2.) Yesterday morning I must have been in complete denial because I tried to wear a pre-pregnancy outfit to work. As you can see, the little camisoles I used to wear come to about my belly button now. Speaking of buttons, I could only button 1 on the shirt.
3.) After finally realizing that my belly is growing rapidly, I started to notice many things!
a.) My pre-pregnancy underwear dig into my hips and leave lovely little red imprints into my
b.) A girl always wants what she doesn't have, and I have always wanted more voluptuous
assets. Well now that I am busting through bras (literally) every few months, I am
starting to realize that these girls aren't everything they have cracked up to be. They get
in the way, sweat, are heavy, and make it difficult to find clothes that fit and don't give
the appearance that you are spilling out everywhere!!
c.) Lotion can only work so many wonders....I'll leave it at that.
4.) It has finally warmed up, and I realized last night that people in Alaska (including myself) are crazy. It went from 40 below zero to 40 above overnight. With that, I put on my light coat, started wearing short sleeve shirts, and rolled my window down on the way home from work. I was really happy until I drove home and dealt with the icy roads, stupid drivers, and noticed the dog poop appearing amongst the snow in our yard.
Okay, enough reality. I am going to enjoy our heat wave, and the 6 minutes of extra daylight we are getting each day:)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas in North Pole

As you can see from the picture above, I have had a good excuse to not keep up on my blog. It has been about -40° to -60° for over a week. The ice fog has set in pretty thick so we have been trying to avoid driving into town and have enjoyed sitting in front of our wood stove. It is supposed to stay cold for at least another week, so cross your fingers for warmer weather.

We enjoyed Christmas in our new home with our new family addition. It was Tucker's first Christmas, and as you can see he really enjoyed his santa hat:) He didn't mind wearing it as long as he didn't tip his head down to pick up a toy. If he did, then the ball from the end of the hat would hit him in the eye and he would run around in circles chasing it like a big dork. Although Chris said I am the big dork for putting the hat on him in the first place!