Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Weekend Fun

This weekend we made a trip up to our cabin on the Salcha river with Tucker. The cabin is about 20 miles up river, so it took us about 30 minutes on the snowmachines. Tucker ran for a few miles and then decided that it was much less work to ride in the comfort of his dad's lap.
I wish I had the luxury of being snug and warm under a blanket in Chris's arms while he did all the work!! As you can tell Tucker is very spoiled :) Snowmachining just isn't the same anymore...I didn't fit into any of my gear so I had to borrow my dad's. Also, you would be amazed at all of the stomach muscles you use while snowmachining, the bumpy trail was quite a workout for baby Bunch and I!

For Valentines day we were invited to a dinner to celebrate Lincoln's 200th birthday. It wasn't an ideal romantic evening, but we enjoyed each others company and the opportunity to dress up and meet prominent people around the community.

We listened to many interesting speeches...including one from Governor Sarah Palin. She is a beautiful woman and a very articulate speaker. It was fun to see her in person and to listen to her poke fun at all of the jokes that have been made about her.
We enjoyed the evening with my parents. Here is a picture of my mom and me; we didn't plan our outfits, it was a complete coincidence that our dresses were very similar!!

Nine years ago today Chris entered my life and it has been an amazing journey. I have put up a slide show of the past few years so that I can share some of the wonderful memories that we have together. We have gone through a lot together and have grown into each others best friends. I couldn't imagine a better person to walk through life's adventures with.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009's a Secret

We had our 20 week ultrasound on Monday and are happy to report that baby Bunch is healthy and growing strong; we are about a week ahead of schedule due to the size of the baby. Chris and I have decided not to find out the sex and are going to wait and make it a big surprise. Instead of posting ultrasound pictures and showing everyone that our baby looks like an alien, I decided to post pictures of what it could possibly look like in a few years.

Layla Marie Bunch


Cooper Michael Bunch

Friday, February 6, 2009

Megan Bares All

It seems as though baby Bunch has gone through quite a growth spurt these past few weeks. My belly is growing before our very own eyes. I thought I would give you a first hand experience of this transformation.

This picture was taken last year when we traveled to Belize for our honeymoon. We were able to hold nurse sharks while snorkeling (they looked like giant cat fish!). I promise it is me in the picture, Chris just forgot to include my head!

12 weeks, at which point I thought my belly was really noticeable...ha baby Bunch was just trying to fool me :)
Here is my newly transformed belly at 19 weeks...a far cry from the cute little flat belly in a bikini!!

Everything is going well for the Bunch's, we are staying busy working too much! We are in the process of transitioning Tucker into staying at home every other day (he has been going to work with me since he was a puppy).

He is doing well and hasn't chewed up anything...yet! He just has this weird quirk of bringing an item of Chris's and mine to the door every time we leave him. It is always something new and normally something really odd. Yesterday he brought to the door Chris's hair brush and the blanket I sit with on the coach every night. I think he is looking forward to having someone to play with because on Sunday we had friends over for the Superbowl and he followed the kids around all day long like they were best friends; he drug them around with his rope, sat on the coach next to them, played hide and seek with them, and of course loved to eat snacks with them (he is getting good at vacuuming up the crumbs)! I will have pictures of Tucker's new brother/sister soon because we have our next ultrasound on Monday!