I wish I had the luxury of being snug and warm under a blanket in Chris's arms while he did all the work!! As you can tell Tucker is very spoiled :) Snowmachining just isn't the same anymore...I didn't fit into any of my gear so I had to borrow my dad's. Also, you would be amazed at all of the stomach muscles you use while snowmachining, the bumpy trail was quite a workout for baby Bunch and I!
For Valentines day we were invited to a dinner to celebrate Lincoln's 200th birthday. It wasn't an ideal romantic evening, but we enjoyed each others company and the opportunity to dress up and meet prominent people around the community.

We listened to many interesting speeches...including one from Governor Sarah Palin. She is a beautiful woman and a very articulate speaker. It was fun to see her in person and to listen to her poke fun at all of the jokes that have been made about her.
We enjoyed the evening with my parents. Here is a picture of my mom and me; we didn't plan our outfits, it was a complete coincidence that our dresses were very similar!!

Nine years ago today Chris entered my life and it has been an amazing journey. I have put up a slide show of the past few years so that I can share some of the wonderful memories that we have together. We have gone through a lot together and have grown into each others best friends. I couldn't imagine a better person to walk through life's adventures with.
Nine years ago today Chris entered my life and it has been an amazing journey. I have put up a slide show of the past few years so that I can share some of the wonderful memories that we have together. We have gone through a lot together and have grown into each others best friends. I couldn't imagine a better person to walk through life's adventures with.