Wednesday, February 11, 2009's a Secret

We had our 20 week ultrasound on Monday and are happy to report that baby Bunch is healthy and growing strong; we are about a week ahead of schedule due to the size of the baby. Chris and I have decided not to find out the sex and are going to wait and make it a big surprise. Instead of posting ultrasound pictures and showing everyone that our baby looks like an alien, I decided to post pictures of what it could possibly look like in a few years.

Layla Marie Bunch


Cooper Michael Bunch


Sally Brown said...

You are so silly! I was glad to hear that peanut is healthy. I love both of the names!

The Tylers said...

I am not thrilled with your decision...hello??? You didn't even take my feelings into consideration did you? I'm gonna laugh when your little girl is wearing nothing but GREEN or your little boys is sporting nothing but YELLOW. Just kidding. I cannot imagine the amazing excitement you will experience that day.

AK Momma said...

I really like the names you have picked out. Good for you for not finding out! Looks like either way, you're going to have a beautiful baby that will grow into a beautiful child.

Anonymous said...

You girls are so girly.
I'm too busy making funny looking kids on to come up with something sweet to say.

But seriously, good work on not finding out.

Now only if Chris can keep that to himself, much unlike a bottle of Bookers. :-)


Joel and Katy said...

That is so crazy! I gotta go to that website now, looks like fun :) I also like the names you guys have picked out! Very cute.

Joel and Katy said...

OK, No fair, mine and Joel's came out to look like a scraggly, possessed rat. Not FUNNY! Let's just hope poor little Mia is a LITTLE more attractive than THAT! Eek! Luckily you two obviously have nothing to worry about :)

Brooke and David said...

Hey Megan! Congrats on your pregnancy! You are def. a cute little pregnant lady! Looks like all is going well for you and Bunch. Tell him I said, hello. Before you know it you will have a little one to add to the family! :)

Chelsey said...

ohmygosh, this is hilarious! Please remind me to do this to our family for #3 down the line heehee